Temporomandibular Joint

The lower jaw’s (mandible’s) joint with the temporal bone of your skull is known as the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Chewing is one of the several jaw movements controlled by this joint. You might have temporamandibular dysfunction, or TMD, if the chewing muscles or the joint itself are giving you pain. Stress, persistent jaw clenching, or teeth grinding can all lead to TMD.

The following are a few signs of TMD:

Only a doctor can tell you if you have TMD

because many of these symptoms are frequently linked to other health issues. Teeth grinding is a particularly troublesome symptom because it might result in additional issues. Long-term bruxism, or the grinding of the teeth, can wear away tooth enamel and reveal dentin. Compared to enamel, this substance is softer and more prone to deterioration. Excessive tooth grinding can also cause sensitivity to hot and cold meals and beverages.
TMJ hurting jaw

Invite Yourself in for a Consultation if You Think You Might Have TMD

We can aid with your diagnosis and offer symptom alleviation. Painkillers and hot/cold compresses are temporary solutions to alleviate pain symptoms. To avoid or decrease the consequences of teeth grinding during night, a night guard can be utilized. This might result in a longer-lasting answer.

Surgery may be necessary in very severe cases of TMD, but behavioral therapies that alter how your jaw muscles are used are typically sufficient to bring relief.

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