Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling & Root Planing in Atlanta, GA
Untreated gingivitis will significantly deteriorate the gums and teeth if it is not addressed. A patient may become alarmed at the mere mention of gingivitis. The procedure is straightforward and carried out right there in your dentist’s office, as is the case in reality.
Transform your gum health with Scaling & Root Planing at Hackman Dentistry, Atlanta, GA. Book your appointment now for a confident, healthy smile.
The plaque and tartar that accumulate on the teeth
provide an environment where germs can flourish and grow. The bacteria lead to bleeding and irritated gums. while you brush your teeth or occasionally while you eat, the problem is more obvious. These are indications of gingivitis in its early stages. By having the hygienist scale and polish the teeth, gingivitis can be treated quickly and effectively. Gingivitis will worsen if it is not treated, at which point it will be necessary to plan the roots. Scaling and root planing differ from each other simply. Root planing is the procedure of smoothening the root surfaces and eliminating the infected tooth structure. Scaling is the elimination of dental tartar from the tooth surface.

Scaling and planning is a non-surgical operation
that is carried out in a dentist’s office without the use of anesthetic. Even though the operation is typically painless, advanced gingivitis stages may necessitate numbing the area to ensure patient comfort. Deep scaling and root planing often involves treating one area of the mouth at a time. This shortens the duration of each appointment while allowing for enough healing time.